Announcements | Statements2000

It’s hard to imagine all the ways 2020 impacted business, all the small things that truly impacted business. Some were obvious, and we all felt the effects. Grocery stores were out of toilet paper, hand soap, and so many essentials we’re accustomed to accessing with ease, and on a whim. You may have pulled up to a local store or restaurant to find it closed unexpectedly because staff was sick and couldn’t man the store. Perhaps your bank is only offering services a few times a week.
What about a business like ours, that sells artwork? How could an artist like Jon be impacted? If you are making each piece, what the heck can go wrong?
You may not know it based on the exceptional service you receive, but we are a small business in every sense of the word. We have one person fielding all your calls, messages, emails, and texts. We encountered all of the challenges small business did addressing Covid, while prioritizing our staff’s health and safety first and foremost. There were many trials, adjustments, and considerations.
We were closed for a month in 2020. During that time, all of our inventory was sold. Despite extending our lead times by weeks, we came back to a large queue (which we are eternally grateful to you for).
The custom boxes we need to safely ship our pieces were delayed time and time again, materials we rely on changed as other businesses faced the strain. Materials we’ve always been able to access were in short supply. Employees struggled to make child care arrangements and balance virtual schooling.
We limped along, but were never truly caught up from that queue before the holiday shopping season began as orders continued to come in. The holiday season is always an exceptionally busy time, but this year, as the entire world was shopping online, it was extra busy. We worked tirelessly six days a week to fulfill holiday orders and make sure all gifts were delivered as promised. We strived to get everything out early to account for potential delays the carriers would be facing as they were completely overwhelmed.
Now, here we are in January. It’s a new year, and we have so much planned for you. We need to take a beat and catch up in a permanent and meaningful way! We also need to re-work some of the art pieces, and update the photos so you always know exactly what to expect. Our unwavering commitment to quality is always paramount, so thanks for your patience while we re-imagine some art pieces at this time.
Many painted wall art pieces will be offline as we regroup. We are building inventory, and making way for new designs.
In the meantime,
1) Please be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you will be the first to see new pieces as they arrive, or old favorites as they come back in stock.
2) Check out our clearance section, which offers many great multi-panel wall art pieces at incredible prices!
3) Of course, never hesitate to reach out to us with any specific questions you may have: